Press Release: Launch of the World’s First Specialty Coffee Index (SCOF)

Frankfurt am Main, Germany – June 10, 2024 – Farmersvaluefirst is excited to announce the launch of the world’s first Specialty Coffee Index (SCOF) and ESG Specialty Coffee Index (SCOFESG). These innovative indices offer investors unique insights and participation opportunities in the growing specialty coffee market.

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Why was this index created?

The Specialty Coffee Index (SCOF) was developed to provide investors access to the specialty coffee sector, balancing the weighting of large and small companies. The ESG Specialty Coffee Index (SCOFESG) additionally integrates Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria to promote responsible corporate practices.

Investment Thesis

SCOFESG aims to capture the growth potential and stability of the specialty coffee market by including companies involved in various stages of the coffee value chain, distinguished by sustainable and ethical practices.


The objective of the index is to provide a diversified and balanced representation of the performance of leading specialty coffee companies with high ESG standards, reducing the concentration risk of the companies represented in the index. Through quarterly rebalancing, SCOFESG offers a unique opportunity to participate in this dynamic and sustainable sector.

Benefits for Investors

The indices enable investors and coffee enthusiasts to support sustainable coffee trading practices while benefiting from the growth of the specialty coffee sector. Farmersvaluefirst is committed to promoting the importance of sustainable coffee trading and ensuring that coffee farmers are fairly compensated and environmentally friendly practices are fostered in coffee cultivation.

Current Status and Future Plans

The indices are currently listed on an advanced AI platform, allowing investors to track the development and performance of the indices early on.

“With the introduction of these indices, we aim to provide investors and coffee lovers with the opportunity to benefit from the growth of the specialty coffee market while making a positive contribution to sustainable and ethical practices in the coffee industry,” says André Näder, founder of farmersvaluefirst.

Farmersvaluefirst is actively working to list these indices on established exchanges to expand accessibility and direct participation for investors. We are in discussions with various partners to evaluate future options that could allow investors to participate even more directly in the market.

About Farmersvaluefirst

Farmersvaluefirst is dedicated to fostering sustainable and direct relationships with coffee farmers. By creating innovative investment opportunities and emphasizing the importance of sustainable coffee trading, Farmersvaluefirst aims to support coffee farmers and promote environmentally friendly practices in the coffee industry.

About the Founder

André Näder, founder of Farmersvaluefirst, is an investment and coffee expert with extensive experience in fund administration and asset management. He has built a career with some of the biggest names in the international financial industry before dedicating himself to sustainability and specialty coffee. His passion for specialty coffee led to the founding of Farmersvaluefirst, where he works to promote sustainable practices and direct relationships with coffee farmers. André’s international background, including time spent on coffee farms in Colombia and Peru, has given him a deep understanding of the coffee supply chain and the importance of ethical sourcing practices.

André Näder
Founder, farmersvaluefirst
LinkedIn: André Näder

Further Information

Specialty Coffee Index (SCOF)
Specialty Coffee Market Report 2024
Complete Thesis on Specialty Coffee Indices
