»passion for coffee & fairness to the farmer«

✓ premium quality
✓ fair & transparent
✓ sustainable
✓ freshly roasted

"Premium coffee from farmer families with a unique story!"

Juan Pablo Argote (Argote Specialty Coffee) und André Näder (farmersvaluefirst) after packing coffee at JPs Farm in Génova, Nariño, Colombia

Juan Pablo Argote (Argote Specialty Coffee) and André Näder (farmersvaluefirst) packing green coffee after harvesting at Juan Pablo's coffee farm in Colombia.

In order to ensure the maximum quality of each coffee bean, our specialty coffee is cultivated and harvested in small qualities with highest care, and handcraft roasted.

Information about our roasts and coffees can be found in our specialty coffee online store. BUY COFFEE! >OnlineShop<



This picture was taken after a day of work on the coffee farm from Family Argote in Colombia.

All information about the farmer families and -cooperatives in you can find in our blog with the following link. 100% TRANSPARENCY!  >Blog<


On the way to a coffee farm in Santander during a stop-over in San Gil, Colombia.
Our start-up stands for superior specialty coffee quality, transparent structures, long-term and personal partnerships at eye level with each farmer. Through prices that are far above the world market price, the farmer families of small plantations are enabled to invest in training, sustainable management, growth and consistently unique quality. André Näder - farmersvaluefirst


We regularly publish insights about the development of "farmersvaluefirst" on our Instagram page. FOLLOW US! >Instagram<



Here again all links for you as an overview.

BUY COFFEE! >OnlineShop<
100% TRANSPARENCY!  >Blog<
FOLLOW US! >Instagram<
