Packing Specialty Coffee! ... and how it´s done.
You already know that we travel to coffee farms to get to know the life and work of the coffee farmer families. A small but important process in coffee farming is packing for export. After sorting, the beans are packed and shipped to roasters, importers and coffee traders all around the globe.

For international export, green coffee is usually transported in the world-famous Brazilian jute sacks. They hold 60 kg of coffee and considered as the official unit for international trade and export statistics.

Spontaneously organized, I had the opportunity to pack our own coffee order in Colombia by myself. > Juan Pablo "naturals" <
Well almost myself, to do it right, John, a neighbor farmer and friend of Juan Pablo's family was so nice to help me.

Unlike on big coffee farms, where machines often fill the bags, pack them, and sometimes presort them by destination for export, on Juan Pablo's farm everything is done by hand.
In order to protect the valuable and sensitive green coffee from moisture and weather on its way to us, the actual jute sack is additionally provided with a plastic inner sack, which is closed tightly and airtight after filling. We then sealed the jute bag with a strong yarn using a portable sewing machine and stacked it on the designated place for transportation.

That's it, and if the sewing machine hadn't broken my yarn several times, I wouldn't know how much manual skill is needed to seal a coffee bag ...
Enjoy your coffee!
Read more about our experiences on the farm of Argote Specialty Coffee and our coffee travels in our Specialty Coffee Blog!

Read about Juan Pablo's visit to Frankfurt, Germany.