Visit Juan Pablo Germany
»Don't judge a person until you've walked a mile in their shoes.«
This old Indian quote is the basis of fair trade for us - because only
if we understand the world of the other, we understand what drives them
and their needs.
But what does that mean at farmersvaluefirst?
- First: We travel to the countries and visit the farmers. More about it >here<
- Second: We bring the farmers to Germany and show them our world!
The second step we were able to do for the first time last week:
A real milestone in our history!
Full of excitement, I was standing at Amsterdam airport at the end of April 2022, waiting for our business partner and coffee farmer Juan Pablo from Colombia. It was an incredible feeling when he finally stood next to me. After all the warmth and hospitality he and his family had shown me during my visits, I was grateful to be able to return the favor a little.
We had a busy schedule:
- Visits to many potential customers, who welcomed us warmly and introduced their companies!
- Differences between the German and Colombian way of drinking coffee.
- Detailed discussions on the plans ahead: quality criteria, cultivation options, farm visits, imports, etc.
- Discussions on cultivation processes, roasting techniques and brewing methods.
- ... and of course the topic of prices. Especially the logistic costs
have exploded in the last months, which is a big challenge for all of
us. - ... and of course the topic of prices. Especially the logistic costs
have exploded in the last months, which is a big challenge for all of
In all this, of course, fun could not be missing, so I took the opportunity to show him my home, Frankfurt am Main ... to the corners that a normal tourist does not find so easily, Juan Pablo found the beer delicious (in the few moments when we were not drinking coffee).
But more importantly, he understood when and how we drink our coffee here in Germany and what flavor we value, and with this knowledge he can meet our needs much better in his production processes. Because he walked much more than a mile in our shoes this week ...
This is how business works - personal, long-term, committed. With transparent structures and an exchange at eye level. These are the moments that make me happy. That's why I founded farmersvaluefirst.
We are currently planning an origin trip for this year in August to take 4 other coffee experts to his farm in Colombia and continuing our work for sustainable growth of his green coffee exports to Germany.
farmersvaluefirst: Passion for coffee & fairness to the farmers!
Coffee trip Colombia | Sorting Coffee in Colombia | Juan Pablo Farmer & Coffee Intro