How our coffee labels are created: Introducing Nebil

The two Frankfurt boys - one an artist, the other a banker - never dreamed they would one day work together on a major coffee project. But let's tell their story from the beginning:

Nebil & André have been friends for so long that they can't even remember when they actually met. One thing is certain: they have been part of the same circle of friends in Frankfurt for ages. And one passion has united them for almost as long: their love of excellent coffee.

When André, the banker, decided to leave the world of finance to found farmersvaluefirst, Nebil was immediately enthusiastic. Because farmersvaluefirst is a company that imports good coffee in such a way that farmers can operate in a modern as well as sustainable way and thus subsequently have a solid livelihood.

The artist, who was born in Eritrea but came to Frankfurt as a baby, supported farmersvaluefirst with his first designs even before the company was officially founded. His art is bold and figurative, influenced by his training as a painter with a sculptor & painter and his years as an illustrator. A small insight into his work gives his Instagram page _nebil_, but his works can also be found in the Gallery Gutleut.


Nebil develops the labels for the coffees in close collaboration with André. It doesn't go by the book, as with so many industrial designs. Instead, Nebil closely links the history of the coffee farmer or the region with the design. Sometimes the farmer himself is shown (as in the case of Juan Pablo) or another important element of the coffee-growing region (such as the snail in the case of Toccto Peru).
